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communication therapy for autism

Recognizing and Addressing Anxiety in Children on the Spectrum and How Communication Therapy for Autism Helps

How does speech therapy work in this situation? Let’s understand the different manifestations of anxiety in children with ASD and strategies to address it.

Research states that 39.6% of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience anxiety. It can be triggered by various things and situations, even those that are less worrying for neurotypically developing children, such as sensory sensitivities, social challenges, changes in routine, and difficulties in understanding and expressing emotions. Managing anxiety starts with identifying triggers and recognizing anxious feelings. How does speech therapy work in this situation? Let’s understand the different manifestations of anxiety in children with ASD, strategies to address it, and how communication therapy for autism can help.

Manifestations of Anxiety in Autistic Children

communication therapy for autism

What are autism spectrum disorders’ signs of anxiety? These could be exhibited through physical symptoms, behavioral signs, emotional indicators, and cognitive symptoms.

Physical Symptoms

You may notice your child excessively sweating or trembling, restless, stomachaches, headaches, shortness of breath, or increased heart rate.

Behavioral Signs

Most noticeable is their increased meltdowns or temper tantrums. They may engage in more repetitive behaviors such as body rocking or hand-flapping. Children with ASD may also avoid certain situations or people and withdraw from activities or hobbies they once enjoyed.

Emotional Indicators

Autistic children with anxiety may experience heightened irritability or mood swings and overwhelming feelings of dread. They may also have difficulty sleeping or have changes in their sleeping pattern.

Cognitive Symptoms

As a result of anxiety, children with autism will have difficulty concentrating. They may also experience negative thought patterns that lead to catastrophic thinking, assuming the worst in everything.

Strategies to Address Anxiety in Children on the Spectrum

communication therapy for autism

Mindfulness-Based Practices

This strategy helps the child reduce stress and anxiety by being aware of the present moment. It works with simple relaxation techniques such as slow, deep breathing, and focusing on their senses.

Visual Support

A sense of their schedule and activities through checklists or images can increase organization and predictability. This will result in reduced worries, especially during transitions.

Sensory Integration Therapy

Identify and minimize your child’s sensory triggers using noise-canceling headphones, weighted blankets, or fidget toys.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Seek the help of professional therapists. CBT involves identifying and challenging negative thoughts, establishing healthy coping skills, and gradually facing situations that could trigger anxiety through exposure.

Communication Therapy for Autism

How does speech therapy work in addressing the anxiety of children with ASD? By enhancing their communication skills, children will have better access to express their needs and feelings more effectively, reducing feelings of frustration and anxiety. 

Speech-language pathologists know what speech therapy exercises are most effective for a child’s specific needs.

Support Your Child’s Needs

communication therapy for autism

Recognizing and addressing anxiety in children on the spectrum requires careful observation and a tailored approach. A close collaboration with parents and professionals is necessary to support the child’s needs.

Communication therapy for autism plays a vital role in addressing children’s anxiety. One of the leading supportive tools in communication therapy that “ausome” parents recommend is Mylo Speech Therapy

The Mylo App is an innovative Speech Development System designed to support children with speech delays through a video modeling method, a practical approach recognized by Harvard University and other renowned institutions. Explore the Mylo App through this link.